*Keep clicking to continue when you start / die

Start With Nothing. That's what the main  menu is at least.

You start the game procedurally building you character piece by piece from nothing. Then you enter the world empty handed.

Destroy trees and rocks near by to gain ammo. Right click to throw your items at your foes. The more gold you can get, the better you are.

Ludum Dare Entry Link:


I wanted to use this Ludum Dare to learn Three.js, and I think it went really well. I basically had no vision for what the gameplay would be and crammed a bunch of crappy design at the end, but creating the systems for the terrain generation and working with a 3d renderer in javascript was a lot of fun.
I learned a lot about Three.js which was the goal, but I also learned that I have a tendency to ignore the deadline in favor of working on stuff. Which means I managed my time very poorly in terms of priorities for game design.
The direction of this game was kind of mess, and I'm way to drained right now to think of a good title haha, so Untitiled Sandbox Game Where You Throw Sticks is what it'll be.

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TagsLudum Dare 45
LinksLudum Dare


LD45CompoSource.zip 3.4 MB


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(1 edit)

i'm getting a black screen when i click start :c (chrome, windows 10)

Oh no! did you try clicking the black screen after

(1 edit)

yeah, my cursor just disappeared into the void, although Esc works to release it again - nothing ever showed up EDIT: it works in firefox!!

Hey, is this Unity or Unreal? It cannot be HTML and JavaScript right.

It is! Its Three.js! https://threejs.org/


Impressive. Swimming animation so cute :>